2020-07-04 Commit logs

Yeah, I got commit logs for ya!

2020-07- 03
Town generation, town selection, Adventurer vice and ability calculation based on physical traits.
 Vices based on number of abilties

Moved everything into packages
Better Settlement generation (centering + limiting size of building based on
    number of buildings (a hamlet should not have huge buildings)

   Game end code
    Kingdom burden linked to Challenges
    Deterministic number of Quests and Jobs and Obstacles
    Attempts at bringing a Band over to the Map scene



    Figured out how to copy AdventurererNode to Band node!!
    - user creates band1 selects Map, copy of band1 shows up in Map
      Adventurer cleanup, AdventurerBackground cleanup
    Manual copy method in AdventurerNode, copying everything I need from Adventurer
     child of AdventurerNode


Fixed edit band bug toggle

    Limited band to 4
    Added other two bands to map
    Moved map up
    Displaying avg abilities and vices of each band


  Mad a little BandOnMap that extends Band to reuse a bunch of stuff :)
  Some initial work for moving BandOnMap around the map
  Fixed toggle buggy state no Roster screen

   The ability to send a band to a location with a challenge.
    Setting all bands to the Base
    Showing details of Band destination
    More adventurers to pick from!


ragtagroster4.zip Play in browser
Jul 06, 2020

Get Ragtag Roster

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